3G Stadium Pitches Workshop

9th Jan 2017
Harrogate Town AFC 3G Stadium Pitch
Maidstone United's Gallagher Stadium

S&C Slatter is presenting a 3G Stadium Pitches Workshop at two National League football clubs during February. On 8 February Harrogate Town AFC will be hosting the first workshop with the second taking place at Maidstone United on 22 February. Both clubs have FieldTurf 3G football turf pitches installed by S&C Slatter.

These will follow an established and highly successful formula covering a wide range of issues of interest to clubs and organisations who are considering installing a 3G football turf match pitch or training facility. An S&C Slatter workshop at Sutton United last March attracted over fifty clubs from throughout England.

Aimed in particular at clubs in the upper levels of the Non—League pyramid, the workshop will look into the feasibility and process of installing 3G football turf. And of maximising the commercial and community development benefits which can accrue from the conversion to a 3G stadium pitch.

Registration is FREE of charge and is open for both venues

3G Pitch Case Studies, Artificial Turf Technology, the latest FIFA Rules for 3G football turf, Successful Business Plans, Funding Solutions and Pitch Construction and Maintenance will all be presented by a panel of experts who are acknowledged as leading specialists in their particular areas of expertise.

Delegates to the 3G Stadium Pitches Workshop will no doubt be looking forward to hearing the experiences of the two host clubs who have already made the decision to switch to 3G football turf. Irving Weaver, Chairman of Harrogate Town AFC will discuss the ‘Economic and community benefits of committing to 3G’ while Oliver Ash, Co-owner of Maidstone United and Founder of 3G4US is speaking on ‘Why football clubs should consider installing 3G stadium pitches.’

Admission is by pre-registration only. You can register by completing the 3G Stadium Pitches Workshop Registration Form at sandcslatter.com/3g-workshop or by calling S&C Slatter on 01635 34521. We will obviously be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the workshop.